Is My Information and Payment Secure?
All of the data transferred is stored and transmitted in an encrypted environment to ensure your privacy and security.
How Long Will It Take to Receive My Report?
You will receive a confirmation email at the time of purchase to let you know that the payment was received and that your information has been queued in the system. From there, Impact Check will instantly analyze the specified property and generate an automated report. Please note that you must login to save search history and property reports for future use. If you do not see or instantly receive an Impact Check Property Impact Report, please email us at
How Long Will I Have Access to My Report?
You will have 10 days to view/print/save your Advanced Property Report. After that time period the report will expire and you will no longer be able to access it. Impact Check's data is constantly updated daily, so you will receive ten (10) days of updates at no additional cost by logging back in, or entering your order number to retrieve your report. After the expiration date has passed you will need to purchase a new Advanced Report or purchase the Annual Monitoring package which will give you a year of updates.
What is Impact Check's Refund Policy?
Due to the nature of Impact Check's product, and instant delivery, there are no refunds offered.
I Haven't Been Able to View My Report, What Do I Do?
If you have not been able to view your Impact Check Property Impact Report, please check your junk mail folder or inbox for two emails from our system. The email will be generated from; as well as; please add these email addresses to your safe list. These emails will contain your Invoice Number as well as your Unique Order Number that will assist us in locating your report. If you still have not received the email or cannot view the online report, please Contact Us for more help.
If I Know My Property Is Going To Be Impacted What Should I Do?
This is up to you. Some people elect to handle the process on their own and some choose to seek legal counsel.
If My Property Is On A Proposed Map For A Future Project, Does That Mean I Am Certain To Be Impacted?
No. Routes and alignments for public improvement projects change frequently and sometimes proposed projects will not be built due to funding or other issues.
What Are Primary Impacts?
Primary impacts occur from public improvement projects such as roadway widening or extensions, airport expansions, pipeline or transmission line construction, and others, where real estate is being or will be acquired either through purchase or the power of eminent domain. Please view our full list of impacts and conditions.
What Are Secondary Impacts?
Secondary impacts occur when public improvement projects do not directly impact a property via acquisition, but do create negative indirect impacts due to proximity, such as traffic diversions, dust and noise pollution, and access difficulties. Please view our full list of impacts and conditions.
What Are Off-Site Conditions?
Off-site conditions are nearby factors that may affect a property's value or could be important to a potential buyer, such as odors from a nearby water treatment facility, safety concerns due to proximity to a pipeline or nuclear power plant, noise pollution from a newly built overpass, and the presence of a sex offender in the neighborhood. Please view our full list of impacts and conditions.