Concerns about Proposed Pipeline Proximity to High School

5 September 2017
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The proposed 600-mile long Atlantic Coast Pipeline is planned to be positioned across the road from Buckhannon-Upshur High School. Many members of the community are concerned for the safety of the high school due to the incineration zone stretching into the school parking lot.

The incineration zone, or blast zone, is a high consequence area around a pipeline where survival in the event of an explosion would be unlikely. At ground level for this proposed pipeline, the incineration zone is estimated to be 1,800 feet.

The Atlantic Coast Pipeline is 42 inches in diameter. Due to its large-scale it is difficult to predict how massive an actual blast might be.

Natural gas pipelines pose a risk of explosion or leakage. While an explosion may be unlikely,  if a rupture were to occur it would be catastrophic for the high school. The public believes the proposed pipeline is a risk to the community and all organizations in proximity.

Several months ago, the board of education signed an easement agreement for the pipeline to cross through school property.

For more information about how the Atlantic Coast Pipeline is affecting the Buckhannon-Upshur High School, visit

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